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Sunday 6 January 2013

SP Open House 2013

It's that time of the year again!

Open houses are perfect if you want to find out more about what the courses have in stored for you. Didn't go for any polytechnic open houses after I graduated though. Believe it or not, I had absolutely no idea that the polys had this period of time where they'd all welcome potential students with open arms. Yes yes, I can feel your judgey little eyes reading this in disbelief.

Signed up to help out at the open house this year. Took up the roles of "bus guide" and "CASS tour guide" last year. For someone who has motion sickness and still has problems going around the school,  they were baaaad choices. So this year I became part of the sticker people clan.

My job? Simple. Label people.

Not like what you'd do while judging people though.

The schools on the hilltop offered tours and I just had to stick stickers according to which tours the visitors wanted to go to. Perfect job for lazy people like me hehe

After a while we started to notice how you can pretty much guess which tour the visitors wanted to go to even before they spoke. And in those moments of accurate guesses, I swear we felt this much closer to being Sherlock Holmes.

In the midst of all the hardcore sticker pasting, we managed to find some time to participate in a contest too!

Doesn't require much effort, so it's definitely worth a shot!

Sure hope we win. Well, with SP, it's so possible, right? ;)

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